The aim of all the work of Ofsted is to promote improvement and value for money in the services they inspect and regulate, so that children and young people, parents and carers, adult learners and employers benefit.
Our pre-school is inspected, with half a days notice, on a recommended timescale.
We were last inspected Jan 2020 and we were delighted to receive “Good” with outsanding features and areas
Summary of some of the key finding by the inspector:
“Children are confident and happy in this extremely caring and welcoming pre school. They are eager to explore and benefit from the wide range of opportunities provided by staff. As a result, children become highly motivated learners. Staff ensure the environment is rich in language and question children in a way that stimulates discussion”
“Staff have high expectations of what children can achieve. They have a good understanding of how children learn, and this helps them plan activities that engage and motivate. They frequently adapt their plans to allow children to follow interests. Staff have strong links with parents and other settings which the children attend”
“Children’s behaviour is excellent. They show high levels of care and concern for each other. They play together very well and show resources willingly as well as treating others and adults with respect”
“Staff place the highest priority on safeguarding”
“Parents commented extremely positively about how the staff are so committed and friendly, and how they nurture and prepare the children for school life. Parents praised the communication that staff share about their child’s development and progress”
See link below for our latest inspection report.
Please also look at the Ofsted website for lots more information